New Year decluttering checklist

21 December 2021
If your New Year’s resolution involves living a tidier, more organised life, you’re in the right place. The turning over of the calendar is the perfect opportunity to make some changes in your life and set yourself on the right track – and all that starts with a big New Year declutter. 

What should I declutter for New Years? It’s up to you! A good declutter is one that makes you feel good about your living space as you take on the year ahead. Some good ideas for getting started are your bathroom cupboard, your wardrobe, your kitchen cabinets, and your shed or storage closet if you have one. 

Here’s our list of seasonal decluttering tips:

An image of a woman decluttering their home for our New Year decluttering guide

Donate old clothes to charity

Perhaps you’re reading this and wondering “What should I declutter right now?” A great place to start is in your wardrobe – it’s a quick and easy place to get started, and it’s something that can make a real difference since you use it every day.

A classic New Year declutter trick is to turn your hangers to all face in one direction. As you wear things, turn the hanger around. After a few months, look at everything you haven’t worn yet and consider whether you really need to hold on to it. If your clothes are still wearable, consider giving them a second life by donating them to a charity shop or shelter in your local area – a generous act to start your year with.

De-cluttered your wardrobe and still struggling for space? Take a look at our top tips for maximising your wardrobe space.

Toss things that have lost an important part

If you’ve been waiting to find an important part of an item pairing – a lid for a travel mug, a single pair, and so on – consider letting it go. If you don’t find the missing piece in your big clear out, it’s likely not in your home any longer.

Seeking storage in St Albans? Check out Access Self Storage St Albans, which offers cheap, modern storage for Hertfordshire residents.

Get rid of old cleaning and bathroom supplies

Makeup, soaps, shampoos, and other common bathroom supplies do expire. Check their expiry date and get rid of the ones that have gone bad. The same goes for cleaning supplies such as bleach. Cleaning supplies in particular are often good for 12 months once you open them, so if you toss them now you can make replacing them part of your annual New Year decluttering routine!

An image of people packing boxes for our New Year decluttering guide

Invest in some storage solutions

A proper New Year declutter should defend against clutter in the year ahead, and that means investing in appropriate storage solutions. Look around for spots in your home where clutter tends to accumulate and ask yourself whether a compact storage box, extra hanger or other storage solution might be right for you.

Check out Access Self Storage Bristol – located right near the city and with easy access from all of Somerset.

Create a “maybe pile” with a deadline

No matter how many decluttering tips you read, you may still be struggling with whether to get rid of a specific item. If you’re really torn, consider creating a “maybe pile” – a place where you store things that you may no longer need. A cardboard box is great for this. As you find that you need something in the box, take it out and return it to its normal home. After a period of time – three or six months, for instance – you can get rid of everything in your maybe pile, safe in the knowledge that it hasn’t proven useful.

Take on the tasks you’ve been putting off

In addition to decluttering your home, it’s time to declutter your to do list – you’ve put that task off for long enough! The turning over of the calendar can be the best antidote for procrastination, so go ahead and fix that leaky tap, repair that damaged cupboard door, or whatever your home maintenance chore may be.

There are dozens of Access Self Storage facilities in London, including our stores in Acton, Barking, Clapham, Islington, Streatham, and Tower Bridge.

Create a plan for the year ahead

A New Year declutter is a great start, but nobody will keep their home tidy if they only organise it once a year. Think about how often you need to organise a given part of your home and create a schedule for tidying it. A clever way to do make sure that you don’t forget is to set reminders on your phone’s calendar – you don’t need to worry about remembering if a friendly notification pops up the day before!

Set your seasonal supplies aside

If there are things that you only use seasonally – deck chairs, picnic blankets, and sports equipment for summer, winter coats and holiday decorations for winter – one of the best decluttering tips is to place them in storage. Self storage can be surprisingly cheap, and it frees up valuable space in your home.

If self storage has a place in your New Year declutter plans, use our store search to find your nearest facility.
