Getting ready for Christmas early? 5 things you can do now

15 June 2017

Are you one of those people who loves Christmas and thinks about it all year long? Or are you a last-minute Christmas planner who’s usually still shopping for gifts on Christmas Eve? Either way, you could benefit from getting ready for Christmas early this time around!

Christmas tree decorations

Avoid the silly season rush and start doing these things now for a stress-free, fun-filled Christmas day that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

1. Plan where you’ll be

What is your plan for Christmas this year? Are you travelling or hosting friends and family at your house? If you’re not yet sure about the answer to this question, now is the time to start thinking about it.


planning Christmas around a street map

Write down all the possibilities and discuss them with your family to find an option that works for everyone. Knowing where you’ll be over the holiday period should be your first step in preparing for Christmas. Once you’ve established this you can plan everything else from there. 


2. Ask for gift ideas

No idea what gifts to get your friends and family for Christmas? Why not just ask them! One of the main benefits of getting ready for Christmas early is having sufficient time to do this. Don’t wait until the last minute to start thinking about Christmas gifts. The sooner you ask your loved ones for ideas the better. What’s more, if you already know what gifts you’re getting you can take advantage of suitable sale items that cross your path in the months leading up to Christmas. And, you won’t have to shell out for next day delivery!

3. Buy your tree


Christmas tree

Instead of fighting the crowds of people to get the biggest, best, tree every year, why not invest in an artificial tree, suggests  Megan Paynter of White Stores. An artificial tree does not need to be replaced every year and can look just as great, if not better, than a real tree. 

Plus, there is much less mess with no pine needles falling off! Getting one of these Christmas trees means that you can put it up as early as you want – no need to wait for December, you could put it up months in advance if you wanted to!

4. Start saving

Christmas can easily become very expensive so to get ready it’s a good idea to start saving up for it in advance. Instead of trying to get all the extra cash you need together in December, rather set yourself a budget now and work out how much you’ll need to save to buy everything you need. Then divide this amount by the number of months left before Christmas to figure out how much you should be saving each month. 

This might mean fewer restaurant dinners over the coming months, but your credit card will certainly thank you in December.

5. Get your decorations ready

Getting ready for Christmas early is all about reducing stress when December rolls around, so why not sort through your decorations now?


red horse Christmas decoration

We all know the frustration of having to untangle lights and sort through messy boxes of baubles when you only have a few hours to get your tree up. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Start sorting through your decorations now already ensure putting up your tree is stress-free process this year.

Getting ready for Christmas early is a great idea – it will reduce stress and give you more time to spend with your friends and family over the holiday season.

And remember, if you decide to do the bulk of your Christmas shopping in advance, you don’t have to hide the gifts in a cupboard hoping the kids don’t find them. Instead you can use our storage to keep your gifts with us, until you’re ready to put them under the tree.

Contact the team today to find the store closest to you and get a personalised quote!
