Are you alarmed by the amount of time your kids spend staring at their computer screens or iPads? Well, no need to worry: we have what you need – 5 DIY ideas for kids you can try today.
We’ve compiled this great list of activities your kids can do outside or inside (if it’s raining), with craft supplies you likely already own. So turn off the TV and get your craft on!
Here are our top DIY ideas for kids:
There’s nothing better than a DIY project that is both fun to do and useful after it’s been made – and your kids are sure to agree. That’s why we recommend adding homemade flowerpots to your craft list this summer.
Happily, making one is really easy. Just get an empty soup tin, jar, or any other hollow object, and let your kids decorate. Make sure they put their creativity to good use by giving them lots to work with. Think old buttons that can be glued on, paint, glitter… the possibilities are endless!
And don’t forget to put some flowers or a small pot plant in their pot when it’s done. Seeing their artwork used and displayed in your house is sure to make them smile.
Decorate your flowerbed with some colourful painted rocks – they’re sure to make visitors stop and take note.
Collect some decent sized rocks from your garden – if you can find smooth ones, all the better – and give them to your child to paint. Let them draw faces on them with a marker pen to transform the rock into garden creatures for the fairies (who obviously already live in your garden) to play with. You can even glue a couple of rocks together to form a caterpillar!
With this DIY project you’ll kill two birds with one stone – you’ll keep your child busy, while also encouraging them to save.
Simply take an empty mason jar and give it to your child to decorate. Again, as with the flowerpots, give them lots to work with – paint, glitter, colourful wrapping paper…
Once they’re done, carefully cut an opening in the lid big enough for a coin to fit through, and let the saving begin!
Most kids have a pair of old trainers that aren’t anywhere near neat enough to be worn outside the house anymore. Instead of throwing these out, why not transform them into a fun holiday craft project?
White shoes work best (for obvious reasons), and acrylic paint or paint markers are recommended for the actual colouring. If you want the design to last longer, consider protecting the shoes with Scotch Guard or another type of paint protector from a craft store.
It’s as simple as that. Old grubby trainers will look as good as (or even better than) new.
Let your child turn their favourite action figure or doll into a paratrooper with this easy craft. All you need is a dinner napkin, some string, tape and scissors.
The process is as follows:
1. Open the napkin all the way
2. Reinforce the corners with tape and make a small hole in each
3. Cut four pieces of string if equal length and tie them to the napkin
4. Tie the two strings on each side together
5. Tie the strings to the action figure’s/doll’s arms.
And just like that your toy is a paratrooper ready to fly from the top of your staircase, roof, tree – you name it.
With these easy DIY ideas for kids there’s no reason for your little ones to be bored anytime soon. And if, after the holidays you are left with more art supplies and completed craft projects than you have room for at home, let us know. Not only are we good at keeping your kids busy – we also have some great storage solutions to make sure your house doesn’t become cluttered!