How to set up a home office | A working from home guide

29 January 2021
In 2020, millions of people across the UK found themselves needing to work from home indefinitely. At Access Self Storage, we noticed a significant increase in self storage use around this time, so we decided to do some research, and surveyed over 1,000 people to see how people feel about working from home, and what challenges they faced.

A laptop used to read a working from home guide

Our survey discovered that 63% of people who worked from home for more than six months in 2020 now plan to make it a regular part of their future work life. Almost one in five, 18%, told us that they would opt for remote work if their employer offered it.

While the option to work from home has become more popular, it’s not without its challenges, and learning how to work from home has been a struggle for some. The working environment was a source of stress for 37% of respondents, and 31% blamed clutter or lack of storage for making them feel disorganised and unproductive. A common frustration was the overlap between “work” and “home”. Other stresses that home-workers reported included noise (28%), broadband connection issues (28%) and a lack of space (29%). 

It’s perhaps unsurprising, then, that 38% reported planning to reorganise or upgrade their home workspace in 2021 to support their new routine. Some 16% are planning minor upgrades to a spare room, while 15% plan to go even further and convert part of their home into a fully kitted-out office. An ambitious 10% reported that they intend to build a garden office. Many respondents are also planning improvements to broadband and lighting.

At Access, we’re eager to do our bit to support people as they overcome the challenges of working from home. We recently published our expert Working From Home Guide, filled with working from home tips and expert advice on how to set up a home office. It’s filled with budget-friendly home office tips that help you make some space, clear the clutter and get organised.

A girl using a working from home guide

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the budget-friendly working from home tips:

  1. Commit to a clear-out by setting a timer for 10 minutes and clearing a section of the room. Once it goes off, your clear-out work is done!
  2. Create a designated space for each item you’ve decided to keep – and get labelling! Make sure your system is consistent and organised so you can find things easily.
  3. Avoid clutter by introducing a “one in, one out” system. For every new piece of kit you buy for your home office, something you already own has to go.

If you’re looking for more tips, you can download the Working From Home Guide for free.

We also launched our Working from Home Offer, which includes half-price storage for up to 12 weeks and 20% off packaging for a limited time only. We hope that this will make life easier if you’re decluttering or redesigning your home workspace.