The Access Self Storage Easter Egg Appeal - Thanks to all our donors!

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt was a massive success – all thanks to you!

Every year at Access Self Storage, we hold an Easter Egg Hunt for children’s charities across the country. And every year, without fail, we’re blown away by the generosity of our eggsellent customers.

We’re happy to report that 2015 has been no eggception. Thanks to your heroic efforts, we’ve collected over 500 chocolate treats for a number of worthy causes, and managed to not eat a morsel, tempting as this was!

Access Easter charity appeal Easter egg donations


Access Easter charity appeal Easter egg donations

We’re pleased to tell you that every single delicious Easter egg will soon be winging its way to a happy child, and we’re eggstremely happy about it. Nonetheless, it’s not every day that you’re surrounded by enough chocolate to fill a spacious, customisable self-storage unit, so the employees of our regional stores in Kingston, Manchester, Coventry, Northampton, Portsmouth, Southampton, and Mitcham were kind enough to take some pics for posterity.


Access Easter charity appeal Easter egg donations

First up, Coventry vs. Northampton: our very own Access Self Storage Civil War reached a tremendous conclusion. Access Self Storage Northampton’s efforts were noble indeed: staff collected around 40 eggs for four children’s homes across the area, helping Northamptonshire County Council smash its 4,500 egg target.

Excellent stuff, and we couldn’t be happier for the kids. But it wasn’t quite enough to beat Coventry, who started the campaign with a promise to beat Northampton – and ultimately delivered in stunning fashion.

Access Self Storage Coventry collected a staggering 141 Easter eggs for Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre – not only handily besting Northampton, but every other Access Self Storage facility in the country.


Access Easter Egg appeal - stone with donations

Coventry Store Manager Nick Hand said: “I told you we ruled the Midlands! I’m extremely proud of the team – they brought the same commitment and drive to this Easter appeal that they demonstrate every day at work. I think the results speak for themselves, but I’ll say it anyway: great job, guys! I’d also like to say thanks to our donors: none of this would have been possible without them.”

Of course, the appeal wasn’t all heated confectionery battles. Access Self Storage Southampton and Access Self Storage Portsmouth put aside their regional rivalry, pooling their resources to gather over 40 Easter eggs for Rowan’s Hospice – a local charity dedicated to bettering the lives of individuals with life-limiting illnesses. Great stuff, guys!
In accordance with tradition, Mitcham Salvation Army crowned the Easter King with the ceremonial Cadbury Coronet. Local children will receive an amazing 80 eggs. Long live the king! Especially if Access Self Storage Mitcham can repeat this performance next year. 


Access Easter Egg appeal - stone with donations
Captain Emma Scott from Mitcham Salvation Army said: "We're grateful for the donations from Access Self Storage and the community. The Salvation Army is at the heart of Mitcham, supporting people in need, offering practical assistance and friendship. We shared the eggs with families and were able to talk to them about the message of Easter and the hope it brings."

Over in Manchester, the Children’s Adventure Farm Trust – one of our very favourite charities – received over 100 Easter eggs. Helen Crowther was very effusive, saying “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was very popular returning to the Farm [that] afternoon!” Access Self Storage Manchester loves collecting for Adventure Farm, so they’re most welcome.
And finally, our incredible donors provided over 40 delectable Easter eggs for NHS Kingston Hospital – as you can see, far more than Access Self Storage Kingston Employees can carry!
We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who took the time to donate to their local Access store. We know how hard it can be to part with that giant-sized Crème Egg or chocolate bunny, but hundreds of you do it each year, bringing smiles and sugar highs to dozens of happy children. Let’s make next year even better!


Access Easter Egg appeal - stone with donations
