Not long to go! Support our Easter appeal now before it's too late

14 March 2018

Our 2018 Easter egg appeal is in full swing with over 400 eggs received already! We’re overwhelmed by the support from our communities who still managed to get eggs to us despite the recent snow and cold – some donations even arrived by sleigh!

Lindt chocolate Easter bunnies

Easter appeal update - Easter egg sleighWith just more than a week to go, we’d like to encourage everyone who hasn’t done so already to jump in and donate before the 26th March. 

With your support we can make 2018 the best year of our appeal yet. Since we started the campaign six years ago we’ve collected around 3800 eggs and donated them to those less fortunate than us. If stacked box-upon-box, the amount of chocolate eggs collected by Access Self Storage for charities to date would reach twice the height of The Shard. That’s a lot of Easter eggs!


Man with easter eggs in box on sledge

Our spokesperson Kevin Pratt says: “Our previous Easter campaigns have been really successful, and we’ve been overwhelmed with people’s generosity. The Easter appeal is a great opportunity to be kind to those in need, and we’d like to call for everyone’s support. 


Man surrounded by Easter eggs

Easter appeal update - Easter eggs “Each of our participating branches has allocated space to keep all the donations from the public safe until they are dropped off at the charities – so let’s fill up those storage units!” 

Stores that have collected the most eggs so far include Access Self Storage Basingstoke, that has received over 56 eggs and Access Self Storage Manchester that has collected 47 eggs. 

Want to get involved? Take a look at the list of our participating stores and the charities they are collecting for below. Remember you only have until the 26th March to drop off your Easter egg donations so don’t put it off for too long. 

Thanks in advance for your generosity! 

Access Self Storage Mitcham – Salvation Army
Access Self Storage Portsmouth – Rowan’s Hospice
Access Self Storage Southampton – The Rainbow Centre
Access Self Storage Purley Way – Children’s Trust
Access Self Storage Cheam – Children’s Trust
Access Self Storage Sutton – Children’s Trust
Access Self Storage Stevenage – Stevenage Haven
Access Self Storage Manchester – Children’s Adventure Farm Trust
Access Self Storage Islington – Hackney Foodbank
Access Self Storage Kings Cross – Hackney Foodbank
Access Self Storage Basingstoke – North Hampshire Medical Fund
Access Self Storage Balham – St George’s Hospital Charity
Access Self Storage Battersea – St George’s Hospital Charity
