Wedding dress charity offered free storage unit by Access Self Storage Battersea

21 September 2017
Access Self Storage Battersea has stepped in to support wedding dress charity Brides do Good in its ongoing campaign alongside the United Nations to end child marriage across the globe.

wedding dress charity Brides do Good

Brides do Good invites brides from all over the world to donate their used designer wedding gowns to help address and eradicate the threat and danger of child marriage by 2030. 

With brides across the UK doing their part to support this cause, Brides do Good started having space issues, due to the speed at which the wedding dress charity is growing. The organisation needed more and more space to store its collection as well as a space to use as a studio to photograph the gowns and help them sell. 

This is where Access Self Storage stepped in, donating two months of free space at its Battersea branch to house the growing collection of wedding dress donations.

Wedding dress and a necklace 


Brides do Good founder Chantal Khoueiry says: “Brides do Good is delighted to partner with Access Self Storage, which has joined our movement to help end child marriage by kindly providing a home for our beautiful dresses waiting to find their bride-to-be.”

David Ferrari, manager of Access Self Storage Battersea says: “We’re keen to support local businesses, particularly ones that raise funds for charitable causes. As a father and as manager of the store, I believe that the work that the Brides do Good team is doing is hugely important and deserves all the help it can get."

If you donate your dress to Brides do Good, you will receive a third of the sale back and you’ll be contributing towards a worthy cause as a third of the money from the sale of your dress will go to Plan International and Too Young To Wed – charities fighting against child marriage. 


Wedding dresses on shop window 

If you’d like to support this wedding dress charity, give them a call! Or perhaps you’re looking for a storage solution for your own collection of some kind? We’d be happy to help! Get in touch today for a personalised quote.
